So you want to become an organic gardener or just take up some safer alternative to pesticides? This page will help you with products and resources you can turn to for additional information. Here are some Ready-Made Products to try:
Try these Resources for more information:
Some Reasons to Not Use Harmful Chemicals
Insecticides, and ones such as DDT that have become banned, are found highly concentrated in animals. The larger animals such as cows, deer and humans eat the plants that contain the chemical. Cows and deer eat a huge number of plants (as they are vegetarian) and the chemical builds up within their system. This also means humans who eat vegetables and fruit that is sprayed with DDT will over time also develop a large concentration of the harmful/deadly chemical within their bodies. The negative effect may not be immediately noticeable, however it can cause that person difficulties developing, learning or living a long life without cancer. Four negative effects of pesticides are the killing of wildlife (that upsets that balance of food webs), the destruction of resources by poisoning (plant products, honey, contaminated meat), causes cancer in humans and other animals, and can cause paralysis, mental disturbances, birth defects and unnecessary trauma in living things. Why continue to use these chemicals? Two examples of non-chemical control of insect pests are reintroducing natural predators into the environment in larger numbers and the use of harmful microorganisms. The bacteria kills insects by poisoning them – a coating forms on the larva and kills them before they grow. An example of natural predators being effective in killing certain insects would be: using bats to eat a large number of mosquitoes. Bats eat an extraordinary number of insects in a day – mosquitoes being prime targets for a meal. Of course, you can try the above recommend "safer alternatives" to chemicals in your yard and garden - for a healthier environment and a healthier you! |
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